Accessories for goods presenter
Take a look at our variety of accessories for our merchandise presenters that fit any application

Various fields of application
In all food retail formats, non-food markets, garden centers, flower stores and for additional stores at frequency points.
Fast construction
Easy and quick assembly without tools and screws
Individual, flexible and user-oriented
Modular expandable components, depending on the application
Hygienic & Durable
Mold and moisture resistant surfaces, thanks to high quality plastic
3 years warranty
Our products have a 3 year warranty from the manufacturer
Interstitial grid

Flower tub

Metal slant

Metal basket high

Metal basket flat

Basket for 2 displays

Promotion inserter
In addition to our pre-made designs, we can custom make your promotional plates for you. This way you can use your own branding, special colors and texts to highlight your products and promotions!

Closed shelf top
Foldable and flexible to use. Can also be used on our transport trolleys.

All accessories at a glance!
Here you can conveniently view all technical details and information about our product
All products at a glance!
In our product catalog you will find all our products listed in detail and clearly arranged
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Eco Shelves
Enhance the shopping experience with our sustainable merchandise advancement systems that keep your goods at the front of the line

Goods presenter
Save up to 80% of your advertising costs and 70% of your CO2 emissions with our sustainable merchandise display center

Ensure less waste and more sales with our inserter that lifts your goods and avoids crushing